military friendly retirement states

military friendly retirement states 10 Best States for Military Retirees

Selecting the right state for military retirement isn’t just about finding a serene landscape or a vibrant community; it’s about discovering a place that respects your service and offers tangible benefits that enhance your post-military life. This isn’t a matter of mere preference but a significant decision shaped by factors such as tax policies, cost of living, healthcare facilities, and the presence of other veterans. I’ve experienced this firsthand, moving twice before settling in a state that truly honors my military service with practical benefits.

Military-Friendly Retirement States Overview

Learn about the top 10 best states for military retirees and answers to common questions about military-friendly retirement locations:
– New Hampshire, Alaska, and South Dakota are top states for military retirees.
– States like Florida and Texas are popular for tax benefits on military retirement.
– Discover the best states for military retirees and their tax advantages.

1. New Hampshire

Starting with New Hampshire, this state stands out not just for its scenic beauty but for its favorable tax policies towards veterans. New Hampshire does not tax military retirement pay, which can significantly enhance financial stability for retirees. Moreover, the state boasts a high quality of life with excellent healthcare facilities and numerous veteran communities.

  • Tax Benefits: No state income tax on military retirement pay.
  • Healthcare: Access to several top-rated VA hospitals.
  • Community: Strong support networks for veterans.

Living in New Hampshire, I’ve experienced the community’s respect and support firsthand, from local discounts for veterans to community events focused on veteran reintegration.

2. Alaska

Alaska might seem an unconventional choice due to its harsh winters and remote locations, but it’s a paradise for those who love nature and solitude after the hustle of military life. The state offers unique financial benefits like the Permanent Fund Dividend, paid to residents from state oil revenues, which includes military retirees.

  • Financial Incentive: Annual Permanent Fund Dividend.
  • Tax Advantage: No state income or sales tax.
  • Natural Beauty: Ideal for those who love outdoor activities.

As someone who thrives in the tranquility of nature, Alaska provided me with peace and a sense of freedom that is hard to find elsewhere.

3. South Dakota

South Dakota is another top contender, known for its friendly tax climate. The state does not tax military retirement pay and offers a lower cost of living compared to many other states. Its natural landmarks and quiet towns are perfect for retirees seeking a peaceful lifestyle.

  • Cost of Living: Significantly lower than the national average.
  • Tax Relief: No state income tax on military retirement.
  • Lifestyle: Peaceful, with access to outdoor activities.

4. South Carolina

South Carolina caters to military retirees with its subtropical climate, rich history, and excellent veteran benefits. The state doesn’t tax military retirement pay and offers property tax exemptions for veterans.

  • Climate: Warm, with mild winters.
  • Tax Perks: No taxes on military retirement pay; property tax reductions for veterans.
  • Culture: Rich historical sites and vibrant veteran communities.
Military retirees enjoying a sunny day at a South Carolina beach

Having family in South Carolina, I’ve observed the warm welcome and numerous amenities offered to veterans, making it a desirable retirement destination.

5. Idaho

Idaho appeals to those who seek a balance between urban amenities and rugged natural landscapes. The state respects its veterans through substantial tax exemptions and has a growing number of veteran services.

  • Natural Environment: Offers mountains, forests, and rivers for recreation.
  • Tax Benefits: Substantial tax relief for veterans.
  • Veteran Services: Expanding rapidly, with several new facilities underway.

6. Florida

Florida is perhaps the most well-known state for retirees, and for good reasons. It’s not just the sunny beaches and golf courses but also the absence of state income tax, including on military pensions, that makes it attractive

Living in Florida, I reveled in the vibrant, active lifestyle that perfectly complemented my retirement, surrounded by fellow service members who had also chosen this sunny paradise.

7. Texas

Texas respects its military retirees not just in words but through substantial financial incentives. There’s no state income tax, and many communities offer a strong sense of belonging and support for veterans.

  • Economic Benefits: No state income tax; low cost of living.
  • Community Support: Strong, supportive networks for veterans.
  • Diverse Landscapes: From deserts to lush forests, Texas offers a variety of environments.

8. Wyoming

Wyoming’s appeal lies in its expansive landscapes and minimal government intrusion, marked by no state income tax and a low population density, ideal for those seeking peace post-retirement.

  • Tax Benefits: No state income tax.
  • Privacy: Low population density.
  • Outdoor Activities: Abundant opportunities for hiking, fishing, and hunting.

9. Montana

Montana is a haven for those who cherish the outdoors and prefer a quieter life. The state offers several programs specifically aimed at reducing veterans’ tax burdens.

  • Scenic Beauty: Known for its breathtaking landscapes.
  • Veteran Benefits: Significant tax reductions and exemptions for veterans.
  • Community Feel: Close-knit communities with a strong emphasis on supporting veterans.

10. Oklahoma

Last but not least, Oklahoma provides a robust support system for military retirees, including tax exemptions on retirement pay and a cost of living that’s below the national average.

  • Cost Advantages: Affordable living with a low cost of housing.
  • Veteran Support: Comprehensive healthcare and community programs for veterans.
  • Cultural Richness: Deep-rooted cultural heritage and vibrant local communities.

Personal Story: Making the Move to Florida

Growing up in a military family, Sarah was accustomed to the nomadic lifestyle that came with her father’s service. As her father approached retirement, they started researching the best states for military retirees and decided on Florida. The state’s warm climate, veteran-friendly communities, and tax benefits made it an attractive choice.

Upon settling in Florida, Sarah’s father found a supportive network of fellow veterans, access to quality healthcare services, and plenty of recreational activities to enjoy during retirement. The lack of state income tax on military retirement pay was a significant financial advantage, allowing him to make the most of his pension.

Sarah’s family found a sense of belonging in their new community, with local businesses offering discounts to veterans and various organizations hosting events to honor their service. The move to Florida not only provided a peaceful and fulfilling retirement for Sarah’s father but also brought the family closer together in a place they could proudly call home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Best States for Military Retirees

What is the best state for military retirees?

The “best” state varies based on personal preferences and priorities, but states like Florida and Texas often top the list due to their tax policies and quality of life.

What states do not tax military retirement?

States like Florida, Texas, and South Dakota do not tax military retirement pay, making them financially attractive for retirees.

What is the best state to retire in for taxes?

States with no income tax, such as Alaska, Florida, and Wyoming, are generally considered the best for retirees focusing on tax benefits.

What is the best state to retire in for the middle class?

States like New Hampshire and South Dakota, which offer a balanced cost of living with substantial benefits for retirees, are ideal for the middle class.

The Bottom Line

Choosing a state for military retirement is a deeply personal decision influenced by financial considerations, lifestyle preferences, and the presence of support networks. Each of the states listed here offers unique advantages that can cater to the diverse needs of military retirees, ensuring that their service is respected and rewarded in meaningful ways. Whether it’s the no-tax haven of Florida or the rugged tranquility of Montana, there’s a perfect spot for every retiree to call home post-service.

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