military friendly remote jobs

military friendly remote jobs 15 Military-Friendly Remote Jobs for Veterans

The transition from military to civilian life can be daunting, especially when it comes to finding employment that accommodates the unique experiences and skills of veterans and military spouses. Remote jobs represent a flexible, viable solution, offering the kind of work-life balance that is often needed after a military career. Here, we delve into 15 remote roles that not only align well with the competencies acquired in the military but also respect and utilize the discipline, organization, and leadership honed through such service.

Learn about military friendly remote jobs

  • Discover 15 remote job options suitable for military spouses.
  • Understand the various job opportunities available in customer service, virtual assistance, writing, social media management, tutoring, transcription, data entry, design, web development, bookkeeping, teaching, event planning, travel agency, recruiting, and moderation.
  • Find out how military spouses can pursue flexible work options while accommodating military life.

1. Customer Service Representative

The Ideal First Post-Military Engagement

Transitioning from the structured environment of the military to the civilian workforce can be smooth if you start with a role like a Customer Service Representative. This position leverages the clear communication and problem-solving skills that are second nature to many veterans. In my own experience, stepping into customer service was a rewarding first step that utilized my ability to stay calm under pressure, a skill sharpened by years in the military.

Insider Tip: Veterans should highlight their experience in managing stressful situations when applying for these positions to stand out to potential employers.

2. Virtual Assistant

Military Precision Meets Administrative Support

Military life is nothing if not a masterclass in organization and timely execution—skills that translate perfectly to the role of a Virtual Assistant. Managing schedules, preparing reports, and handling correspondence in a remote setting can be an excellent match for veterans who are accustomed to following strict schedules and protocols.

Insider Tip: Capitalize on military training by showcasing logistical coordination and attention to detail in your resume.

3. Freelance Writer

Channeling Military Experiences into Compelling Writing

For those who’ve found a love for documentation, reporting, or simply telling stories during their service, freelance writing offers a platform to channel this passion into a sustainable career. This path not only allows for flexible scheduling but also the opportunity to specialize in niches that may relate to military experiences, such as security, technology, or even historical content.

Insider Tip: Utilize your unique perspective as a veteran to create content that stands out in crowded niches.

4. Social Media Manager

Strategic Communication at Its Best

Veterans are often trained in strategic communication and information dissemination, making the leap to Social Media Management a natural fit. This role involves creating content, managing posts, and interacting with a community online—tasks that require the kind of strategic oversight and discipline that military training instills.

Insider Tip: Leverage your experience in following protocols and managing sensitive information when handling a company’s social media presence.

5. Online Tutor

Educating the Next Generation

Possessing in-depth knowledge in specific subjects such as mathematics, science, or even military history can set you apart as an Online Tutor. This role not only allows veterans to share their knowledge but also to connect with learners in a meaningful way, all from the comfort of their home.

Insider Tip: Highlight any instructional experience you had in the military, such as training recruits, to boost your credibility as a tutor.

6. Transcriptionist

Detail-Oriented Work from Any Location

Transcription requires a keen ear and attention to detail, qualities that many veterans develop through their service. Whether it’s legal, medical, or general transcription, the ability to accurately convert speech into text is a valuable skill that can be performed remotely, offering flexibility and comfort.

Insider Tip: Use transcription software initially to ease into the role if you’re unfamiliar with the jargon of specialized fields like medical or legal transcription.

7. Data Entry Specialist

Precision in Every Entry

The meticulous nature of data entry—a job that demands high accuracy and speed—mirrors the precision taught in the military. Veterans often find this type of work satisfying, as it involves a clear set of tasks and tangible goals, much like a military operation.

Insider Tip: Emphasize your ability to focus and process information efficiently, traits that are highly valued in this role.

8. Graphic Designer

From Military Precision to Creative Expressions

If you have a knack for visual creativity, working as a Remote Graphic Designer can be an excellent outlet. This role allows you to create visual content for various media, from websites to print ads, all while using software that can be mastered from any location.

Insider Tip: Many online courses are veteran-friendly and can teach you the basics of design tools like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

9. Web Developer

Building the Digital Frontline

Web development is a tech-savvy field that benefits from the logical, systematic thinking developed in the military. Whether it’s building websites or troubleshooting code, the detail-oriented skills acquired during service are invaluable.

Insider Tip: Consider leveraging military benefits to participate in coding bootcamps that often lead directly to job placements in tech firms.

Learn more about our web development services

10. Bookkeeper

Financial Discipline at Its Finest

The financial discipline ingrained in military personnel can be directly applied to bookkeeping. Managing financial records, balancing budgets, and preparing invoices are tasks that require a high level of accuracy and responsibility—qualities that veterans are known to possess.

Insider Tip: Many online platforms offer certification in bookkeeping, which can be a great addition to your resume if transitioning from a non-financial military role.

11. Online Teacher

Leading Virtual Classrooms

Online Teaching extends beyond traditional subjects and can include anything from fitness classes to cooking lessons. Veterans who have instructed or led teams can find this role particularly rewarding and a natural extension of their leadership skills.

Insider Tip: Use video platforms to create engaging content that simulates a classroom environment, making learning interactive and effective.

12. Virtual Event Planner

Coordinating Success with Military Precision

Organizing and executing events virtually requires the same level of coordination and detail orientation that many veterans are used to. From webinars to online conferences, virtual event planning can be a dynamic and fulfilling role.

Insider Tip: Utilize project management tools like Asana or Trello to keep track of all event elements, showcasing your organizational skills to potential clients.

13. Travel Agent

Exploring the World from Home

Many veterans have had the opportunity to travel extensively and can use that experience to excel as Travel Agents. This job involves planning trips, managing itineraries, and sometimes resolving travel issues, all tasks that require a proactive and meticulous approach.

Insider Tip: Highlight your personal travel experiences and geographical knowledge gained during your service when communicating with clients.

14. Virtual Recruiter

Matching Skills with Opportunities

The role of a Virtual Recruiter is perfect for veterans who have experience in personnel management. This job involves screening candidates, conducting interviews, and matching individuals with job opportunities—a process similar to some military assignments involving team assembly and resource allocation.

Insider Tip: Leverage your network within the military community to find candidates who are transitioning to civilian roles.

15. Online Moderator

Maintaining Order in Digital Spaces

Online Moderators need to maintain decorum within digital communities, a task that requires vigilance, fairness, and a strong sense of duty—traits that are ingrained in military personnel. Whether moderating forums, social media, or chat rooms, the ability to keep a cool head and enforce rules is crucial.

Insider Tip: Draw on your experience managing groups or handling sensitive information when applying for these positions.

Real-Life Example: Transitioning from Military Life to Remote Work

Sarah’s Story:

Growing up in a military family, Sarah understood the challenges of frequent relocations and the need for flexibility in her career. After her spouse retired from the military, Sarah decided to pursue remote work opportunities to continue her professional growth while accommodating their family’s lifestyle.

How It Helped Sarah:

Sarah’s background in logistics during her spouse’s service made her a perfect fit for remote roles like virtual event planning. She leveraged her organizational skills to coordinate successful online events, allowing her to work from home while contributing to her family’s income.

Key Takeaway:

Sarah’s journey showcases how military spouses can smoothly transition from the structured military life to the flexibility of remote work, finding fulfilling careers that align with their experiences and skill sets.


For veterans and military spouses, the shift to civilian employment doesn’t have to be a leap into the unknown. Remote jobs offer a bridge that respects and utilizes the unique skills developed through military service while providing the flexibility needed to adjust to post-military life. Each of these 15 roles not only offers a pathway to new beginnings but also celebrates the discipline, leadership, and integrity that veterans bring to the table, ensuring that their transition is both successful and fulfilling.


Q: What are military-friendly remote jobs?

A: Military-friendly remote jobs are positions that accommodate veterans and active-duty service members by allowing them to work from home.

Q: How can veterans find military-friendly remote jobs?

A: Veterans can find military-friendly remote jobs by utilizing specialized job boards, networking with fellow veterans, and reaching out to companies with a military-friendly reputation.

Q: Who benefits from military-friendly remote jobs?

A: Veterans and active-duty service members benefit from military-friendly remote jobs by being able to continue working while accommodating their military responsibilities.

Q: What if a veteran lacks remote work experience?

A: Veterans lacking remote work experience can highlight their military skills, discipline, and adaptability to showcase their suitability for remote jobs.

Q: How can employers ensure they offer military-friendly remote jobs?

A: Employers can ensure they offer military-friendly remote jobs by providing flexible schedules, understanding military commitments, and offering support for transitioning service members.

Q: What if a company is unsure about hiring veterans for remote work?

A: Companies unsure about hiring veterans for remote work can start with a trial period or seek guidance from organizations specializing in connecting veterans with job opportunities.

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